Confession: The main reason I can't resist embedding videos here from time to time is it makes it easy to find those that I want to see again. A close second, I also find some that I want to share out of pure perversity. So here are two, one from each category, hope you enjoy.
First, a charming little remix ditty from the movie Up. Ummm, if you have not seen this Disney/Pixar inevitable classic, be forewarned (as I was not), the first 10 minutes are hard to watch--at least for me, gut-wrenchingly bitter-sweet. In fact, I don't ever want to see that segment, ever again. Not ever. Yeah, how does Disney manage to... darn those people...Nevermind, I am going to stop talking about it RIGHT NOW.
Sorry. Actually, it necessarily sets up the rest of the movie.
OK, this clip was put together by Aussie DJ Pogo, and I believe he said it took him 2 months of sampling words to get the chords right. To me, it sounds like something Sade might have sung if she was, you know, like, happier. It's worth a listen if for no other reason than it's the closest you're going to get to hearing Ed Asner sing.
Now for the perverse. More intellectually-charged than a Kardashian Family Reunion; more thought-provoking than a BassMasters TV marathon; more topically cogent than SpongeBob Squarepants--I present the artistic medium known as... the "Long-form Advertisement." Slightly reminiscent of SNL's skit "The Continental," this could not have been creepier if Christopher Walken himself did it. File this one under "Idon'tseewherethisisgoingohmygoddidhejust..."
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